
How to use SMS Channels for Mobiles

How to use SMS channels from Mobile:


The Channel name should be at least 8 characters long. I have created a channel for TECK.IN using the format

CREATE TECKUPDATE Updates from TECK.IN on SMS, mobile, web development, information technology, management and the internet

This creates a public channel with name TECKUPDATE.
Modify Channel

You can change the properties by using the MODIFY command as below:

* To make the channel “private” (only allow people to subscribe by invitation by the owner) send the following SMS to 9307070670: MODIFY PRI
* To make a channel “public“, send the following SMS to 9397070670: MODIFY PUB
* To make channel publish privilege limited (only the owner can publish), send the following SMS to 9397070670: MODIFY PRISEND
* To allow all subscribers to publish to a channel send the following SMS to 9397070670: MODIFY PUBSEND


To search for a channel SMS SEARCH to 9397070670. You’ll be sent up to 3 channels matching your keyword(s) over SMS. To see more channels, you can reply MORE
Subscribe to a Channel

Send an SMS ON to 9397070670. is the name of the channel.

To subscribe to the TECK.IN blog update channel, you would send the following SMS to 9397070670:

ON Tech Updates

You’ll receive a confirmation message and the last message posted on the channel to confirm your subscription.
Control Maximum Alerts and Timing

To specify the maximum number of messages along with the time interval when you wish to receive the alerts in a day, send an SMS PREF to 9397070670. to be specified in hh:mm:am(or pm)format.